Why is reality tv so insanely addictive?
I’ve always fought watching reality tv shows for some reason ("competition reality tv" like American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance are a whole nother* story. Entertainment Goldmine). *Mandy Word
Maybe it’s because I quickly become addicted to these train wreck reality shows, so it's healthier for me to avoid them in the first place.
But I have to admit I enjoy openly judging these people in blatant mockery and make righteously aghast comments, as if I would behave so differently in that situation.
The problem is I think I’m scared to actually see myself in that situation.
How would I act? Probably the exact same.
Would I look like such a snot? Absolutely.
Would I look like such an airhead? Yes, yes I would.
I think that people’s true, not-so-pretty colors come out in those types of situations. Another true indication of people’s colors is how people play games- any kind of game- board games, card games, mind games.
For the most part, I’m a pretty good sport when it comes to games. I like to win but I won’t gloat (unless you've been gloating for the past 2 hours and I've had too much wine, then I can get a bit surly- but really who can blame me when you're practically asking for it??). Obviously I hate to lose but I try my best not to pout or be a baby about it. So overall, it’s a good time had by all.
Until we play for prizes.
When there’s a possibility of winning a prize, all bets are off and the talons appear.
My inner most embarrassing demon comes out and I want to win. I mean I really want to win so unfortunately I turn into a person I don’t want to be. Like I-could-jump-across-the-table-and-take-that-prize-right-outta-your-hand kinda person.
Ironic that I love playing games for prizes- like the Dice Game.
Oh how I love the Dice Game.
Oh how I hate who I become when I play the Dice Game.
My heart quickens as I anxiously fidget in my seat waiting for those precious dice to come back to me. I start to sweat with anticipation of getting a good prize and I feel the talons replace my fingernails if someone is gunning for the same gift I am.
I wish I could sit back, relax and just enjoy the game but for some reason I have an anticipation panic attack.
My husband is the exact opposite of me when playing the game because instead of going for the best gift, he goes for the worst gift. And by worst, I mean the obvious joke gifts like a hippopotamus plate or a lady-leg-lamp ornament.
His sisters and mother must either love seeing me freak out over this or they’re just plain mean hilarious because they’re the culprits for finding the most ugly/outrageous things for the game- which is probably why I love them so much.
And I guess it’s probably a good thing he does this as it diverts my anxiety about playing the game to him: “why the h*ll are you going for that???”
Luckily by the end of the game I’m always laughing over our spoils so Mission Accomplished: everyone had a good time and no one lost an arm.
But based on my Dice Game playing experiences, you will never see me on a reality tv show. I make a big enough ass out of myself every Christmas thank you very much.