We did a lot of driving around while we were there. They knew a lot about the area so not only did they know where to take us, they knew little fun-facts to share along the way. It was kinda like getting our own personal tour. If Jeopardy featured a Georgia category, I would rock da house.
That got me thinking about how I would show people around my own town. Considering I don't really love the little semi po-dunk town I live in, I don't spend a lot of time here. But I think I've got three highlights I can offer about Big Lake, MN.
Stop #1. Big Lake. On your right you will see a big lake.
Stop #2. Uh...... Here is my grocery store??
Stop #3. ..................and.......here's the bar we visit when we're feeling wild and crazy, which is about twice a year lately.
There's my tour. You're welcome. Man I need to get outta this town
While down there, I tried some food I haven't ever tried before: grits, oysters, crab, clam stew.
Here's the breakdown:
Grits- served with an ice cream scoop worth of butter made them pretty delicious (think unflavored Malt-O-Meal). I attempted making them back home but that was a definite no-no. Grits are saved for Georgia consumption only.
Oysters- this was a fun experience. The cook at the Oyster Shackk came out to give me step by step instructions on how to shuck an oyster. I was quite the spectacle amongst the staff, having never eaten one before, but I shucked away. I dunno if I'll go out of my way to get them again but I'm glad I can say I did it- makes me feel like I now belong to the Elite Oyster Eating Club where I can look down on the non-oyster-eating-folk with pity in my eyes.
Crab- enter gracious MIL that doesn't eat crab but made it for me and my father-in-law anyway. It was good. But then again almost everything is good when I soak it in butter.
Clam stew- I ordered Black Bean Soup, so the Clam Stew was kind of a surprise. And considering that the entire time I ate it, I thought it was some sort of sirloin soup, it wasn't bad.
All in all, Georgia was a fun place to visit. I do have to say that one big thing I noticed is that Minnesotans sure have a different level of oral hygiene.
If you're a dentist or orthodontist, you do not want to live in southern Georgia. You will be b.r.o.k.e. Every place we went, it seemed like Toothless Tammy or One Tooth Tom was there to greet us with their version of a smile.
Being the one table in a restaurant in possession of all our teeth sure made me like a celebrity. Although it was probably just in my narcissistic head, I felt like I was a Miss America contestant, I just needed to put some Vaseline on my teeth to show them off a little more because my pearly whites were drawing me some
Next time I go, I'm going to bring a box of toothbrushes and floss to leave as a tip in addition to the money. I might even write instructions along with the toothbrush "brush the one tooth you have left two times daily."