Wednesday, September 22, 2010

3 goals, one year, let's see how far I get.

I got to spend a wonderful weekend up north with my college girls this past weekend. There was a lot of food, talking, drinks, pictures- it was everything that a girls weekend should be!

We watched a slideshow of pictures ranging from my sophomore year of college to my wedding (thanks Heidi! We missed you and Melissa). Oh nelly, the changes my body has made since then!

I was reminded of those changes when I laid on my back on Sunday night, I had to slightly roll side to side to even out my swollen back-fat rolls to be able to lay flat. I blame all the salt from the weekend for the newly rounded rolls. Yeah, that's it- it was the salt people! I thought about inserting a picture of a very, very fat back here but I didn't. You're welcome.

And just because I'm completely vain enough to want to bask in my former glory and have everyone around me know: I practically had a 6-pack back in college.


I know how much doubt you're feeling when you hear that but there's pictures to prove it. And those were before Photoshop was user-friendly- so don't even accuse me of faking it.

Ahh....those were the days...

These days my goals are much different than perfecting my abs. I now have my sights set on some new hobbies that I'm hoping my Suzy-Homemaker-Green-Thumb friend, Jen, will teach me.

She's an amazing person to start off with but she also grows and MAKES things- like everything.

Like if you wanted to make a sandwich, where does your bread come from- the store? She makes her own. You want jam on that bread, you break out the Schmuckers that you bought at the store. She makes her own. You want Raspberry Vodka, where do you go? The store right? Oh no, not my friend, she MAKES it (well not the alcohol part but she works her magic and one year later she breaks out the most delicious Raspberry Vodka you've ever had, with raspberries that she, of course, grows).

Here are the following "goals" I have for myself for the next year because I’m a total copy cat
1. I'm making Adam build me an above ground gardening box. Here's what I'm going to plant: tomatoes, raspberries, onions, green beans, basil, and oregano.

2. With said planted veggies, I'm going to try my hand at "canning" (something I've never even seen someone do). For my first year I’m going to set my sights low the only thing I really want to do is pasta sauce. I'm thinking vodka sauce because it's my favorite.

3. I'm going to learn how to knit. I'm 30 now, so now that I'm on old hag it's time for me to take up knitting. I've tried to teach myself with the help of a book in the past but apparently my brain can't look at pictures, read and make my hands do something all at the same time. I even tried making Adam learn so he could teach me but he's not the most patient teacher so that didn't last long- hopefully my friend, Beth, will be a little more tolerant to my limited dexterity when she teaches me.

Okay so I've got my 3 goals. I'm good with 3. Any more and you and I both know that none of them would actually happen because the last time I set a goal for myself was me saying that I was going to post a new blog three times a week. See. I'm not that great with goals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see a blog post 3 times a week!