Through playing on craigslist, I saw that someone was selling raspberry plants for $2.
Yep, 2 bucks.
So I decided that for $4-6 I could totally start my garden of raspberry plants right now!
I share my excitement with my husband who reminds me that he has to BUY the materials to build said garden which will be over $150. Hmph. My $4 garden has now turned into $154.
Not to be discouraged, I set out to craigslist again to find anything free or cheap that would help me cut down the price. Of the necessary materials needed for my garden, the only thing I could find was free dirt. But hey, free is free.
The following day I had the perk of being able to come into work 2 hours later than my normal start time. I had a pesky dentist appointment right away that morning and would have an hour to get my free dirt from northeast Minneapolis.
So I drive the 17 miles to Mpls for my free dirt. I proceed to drive aimlessly around a neighborhood in NE Mpls for 20 minutes trying to find a random parking spot filled with dirt thank you for the free dirt Mr.Craigslist Poster, but screw you for not putting your actual address so I could mapquest myself directly to your free dirt. At this point, I know I'm going to be late for work but I know I'm close, so I refuse to give up.
Thank goodness for technology as I have Navigation on my cellphone and was able to enter a new route (a second landmark they mentioned) to confirm that I was on the right track. After leaving the neighborhood I was driving circles around for 10 minutes, I drive 2 miles down the road to find the CORRECT neighborhood of where I should be.
And there's my beautiful free dirt!! I fill my tupperware containers but I quickly realize I’ve made them too full for me to be able to actually lift the 1000 pound tubs seriously dirt is heavy, so I empty half, lift them into my trunk and then refill them a second time. I'm obviously nothing short of efficient.
Finally I'm on my way bay to work thirty minutes late and more sweaty and dirty than I'd like to admit since I work in a professional office and I show up with actual dirt on my pants.
The next day, Adam comes home with all the building materials and starts to build the box.
As he's starting to build, I change the burnt out lightbulb in the garage. And hey, while I'm on a ladder I decide to add a couple of staples to a low hanging wire for the garage door.
Unfortunately I couldn't reach so Adam abandons the building of the garden box, gets on the ladder and adds the additional staples that I was attempting to add. Hey look Adam, a butterfly!!!
Then I scrub down the new lawn furniture I recently inherited. And need to show Adam how clean I've gotten them. Hey look Adam, a butterfly!!!
A few weeks ago I found where our furnace's air filter goes (yep, that's right, I didn't know where that was until a few weeks ago) and saw that there was a TON of sawdust down there. So now is as good of time as any to vacuum that out. So I breakout the ShopVac and attempt to vacuum that little space out.
Suddenly the ShopVac starts making noise and I'm losing suction power fast so I turn it off to investigate. I empty it out, I shake out the filter but I couldn't find the problem. So Adam stops building and comes to the rescue by removing the hose to find that I sucked up a papertowel. Hey look Adam, a butterfly!!!
A papertowel in the furnace?? What else is down there? Enter MacGyver wanna be Mandy with a flashlight to investiage further.
What else is down there you ask? Not only is there a cigerette butt, more papertowels and piles of sawdust, there's an actual Krispy Kreme bag down there. A Krispy Kreme bag!
They built my house six years ago and for six years there's been a frickin' Krispy Kreme bag in my furnace!
I'm outraged.
I need to get that bag out of there right now! Adam tries to reason with me that it's been down there for SIX years not causing any problems, it's just fine.
Oh no. That's not fine with me. I need to get in there and remove it. Pronto.
Unfortunately for Adam that's not as easy to get the bag as I hoped it'd be. He has to move all the boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations and actually dismantle part of the duct for me to get access to the bag. So he dismantles away. Hey look Adam, a butterfly!!!
After I get the bag and he gets the furnace put back together, I find a waterbottle for my bike that needs to be attached. So Adam finds me the right tools hey look Adam, a butterfly!!! and I attach my waterbottle all by myself after installing it upside down the first time.
And of course, I want to ride my bike now that I have this newly installed water bottle on it, even though it's completely dark outside.
I make it half way around the block and stop under the street light because something wasn't right. I see my tires are exteremely low so I walk my bike back.Adam's surprised to see me return 30 seconds after I left so he asked what's up. I sadly tell him about my flat tire where he proceeds to take my bike over to his air compressor and fill both tires.
Hey look Adam, a butterfly!!!It's getting late now and Adam's losing steam. We decide to call it a night.
The next morning, I'm out of garage projects so Adam goes down alone and resumes building while I stay inside. He calls me out an hour later and he's made a ton of progress!
....I wonder why he's made so much more progress when I'm not down there??
I made a pact with myself to only help him this afternoon- no more butterflies. Instead, I actually help now that all the table saw and miter saw work is done. After a day and a half of building my garden box, despite all my distractions, it's officially ready!! Can't it be Memorial Day weekend so I can plant stuff already??
Ahhhh, you make me laugh! The box looks great though. Did you end up getting the raspberries?
That's just what a fantastic wife does...teach her husband patience!
Your M-I-L ;-)
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