Merriam-Webster define obsession as “excessive often to point of an unreasonable degree” which is exactly how I become when I get on a new kick.
Whether it be garden boxes, my latest food craving, or my love of Twilight when I find something new to love, I generally love the life out of it.
Since my garden box is done, I need a new obsession. Don’t you worry your pretty little selves I’ve found my newest thing to consume my every waking moment: I’m gonna build me some stuff! Real stuff- like furniture stuff.
Yep, you read that right, I’m going to build- with POWERTOOLS.
My friend was telling me about this website where a girlie gal finds cute furniture at like Pottery Barn, goes home and builds it her garage, then posts the plans online for other girlie gals (like me) to build!
So now that I’ve found this site I’m mentally replaced all the furniture in my house with stuff that I’m supposedly going to build all by myself!
My husband isn’t as confident in my building expertise. He told me to brace myself that if I start a project he won’t cut a single piece of wood for me. Now this sounds harsh but let’s be honest, he knows me pretty darn well and there’s a very high probability that he cuts the first piece of wood to “show me” how to do it, I play dumb so he cuts the second piece, I still “don’t get it” so he shows me again and again- before we know it the project is half way done, thanks Adam!
After much deliberation and by deliberation I mean hours, literally hours, of looking through the site to find which piece of furniture I want to build first, I’ve found it. Not only have I found it, I think I’ve gotten at least one friend to sign on to build the project with me!
I’ve warned her to not rely on my building skills because it’s going to be a loooong day if we’re relying on my lack of mad skillz. But hey, I figure two clueless heads are better than one though right??
We decided to do a “beginner” starter project: a bench with cubbies.

Don’t get too worked up with anticipation to read how I sawed my left arm when attempting to use a table saw, I think it’ll be at least 2 weeks before the build starts but until then, I will be obsessing over it.
If anyone has hours and hours of time to waste playing online and mentally exhausting yourselves with turning the ideas over and over in your head and convincing yourself “hey I could do that,” you will love this:
And if you do love it and want to come build with us, the more the merrier!
1 comment:
Lucky you! The minute I get a hammer out, Dan jumps up to take over the task. He knows the kind of damage I can do! ;-)
Your M-I-L
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