I'm going to walk you through my thoughts so hold on tight, this is going to be a bumpy ride (if you already have a headache, stop reading this immediately because this may cause your brain to literally explode. Literally.).
Typical Monday-Friday morning:
1. Alarm goes off.
2. Push snooze until the same 10-15 minute timeframe.
3. Get out of bed.
4. Head to shower.
5. Get ready.
6. Dress in one of a selective few pairs of workpants I can still fit into, along with a shirt I haven't worn yet this week.
7. Leave for work roughly the same 7-11 minutes "behind schedule" I am every single day.
Relatively thoughtless morning. Not too many decisions to be made.
Enter a Saturday or Sunday morning when you don't have any actual plans and all bets are off. Take a walk with me here folks:
1. Sleep until you wake up.
2. Lay there with your eyes still closed before looking at the time, trying to figure out if you're really ready to be awake yet. If not, simply go back to sleep now. If curiosity gets the best of you, sneak a peek at the time.
3. Keep laying there, filling your day with endless possibilities of what should/could I do today:
-I could workout (yes, I think this every single weekend and no, I never ever do).
-I could watch that Netflix movie that's been sitting on my tv for 2 weeks and is actually dusty already.
-That reminds me, I really need to dust.
-I could do laundry.
-I could clean the house.
-I could organize the spare bedroom turned abandoned craft room turned laundry room turned place where I put papers that probably should be filed in a file cabinet turned one-room-in-my-house-I-don't-count-when-I-say-"clean house" room.
-I could go to the grocery store.
-Oh, if I go to the grocery store then I could make a nice dinner for Adam and have it ready by the time he gets home from work.
-And if I'm already out and about I could finally return that stuff at {enter any store name here. There's a good chance I need to make a return there.}
4. By this time my brain is already tired and I haven't even opened my eyes yet. So I think "ok self: just get out of bed and I'll figure out what I want to do later."
Open my eyes and think about sitting up.
But wait.
5. Insert actual decision that needs to be made here: after sitting up, do I or do I not shower? (Now call me what you will, but during the weekends if I don't have to shower, I generally opt not to. And let's be real, all the sitting on my butt watching TV, reading and napping I did the day before didn't exactly cause me to sweat so do I really need to?).
Mandy, decide already!!
Ok fine, I'll shower.
There. Decision made.
But wait.
6. Another actual decision that needs to be made: do I or do I not do my hair once I've showered. If you know me, you probably know me with straight hair with bangs pul

So I have three options post shower: straighten hair, scrunch it so it's passable as curly, or go au natural (this option limits my entire day to: only a fire will cause me to go out in public like this.
I can't decide what I should do with my hair. And I can't decide what I should do with my day.
I.Can't.Decide. And I'm actually feeling stressed out now.
Screw it.
I'm not going to shower, or clean, or go anywhere. I'm gonna sit on my couch all day with my coffee and FoodPorn- I mean FoodNetwork.
There. Decision made!
But wait.
I'm already tired again- even though I haven't even gotten out of bed yet. I'm going back to sleep.
Oh I can't wait til you have kids and you don't even get the option to decide!!! (insert evil-manical laugh here... Muh HA HA!)
Enter Saturday or Sunday:
1. there's no alarm- only a baby that KNOWS that you don't have to get up for work and THUS wants to play with you... at 5:30 a.m.
2. get up, get baby fed, changed, and happy
3. get coffee- yep, you heard it here- coffee AFTER the baby.
4. play with baby
5. look at the MOUNDS of laundry there are to do
6. do not do said laundry because that would just create more work of folding and putting away
7. never get a nap, because when baby is, you're doing laundry
8. feed and change poopy diapers 8,294 more times before day is through
9. fall back into bed and wait to start over again the next day
Now you totally want to have kids don't you?! Oh c'mon, you know I'm giving you crap. It ain't that bad. You know if it was I wouldn't have done it 3 times. I'm not THAT self-loathing!
Now hurry up and join the club that Melissa joined yesterday!
Just yesterday Trang was saying that I might need to leave my house to read. Whoa. That's a totally new concept for me also! It's always quiet here for reading, so needing to go to PUBLIC place for it to be quieter just seems insane to me!
Mandy - this made me laugh so hard I cried!!
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