Sunday, August 8, 2010

I prejudge people and I'm okay with that.

If you want me to instantly hate you, you should hang a set of one of those fake testicles from the hitch on your truck/car.

Yep, that'll do it.

I don't know what it is but automatically I hate that person. I just think that only a hill-billy, chauvinist, douchy, a$$hole would put that on his car.

The other day I was driving behind someone in a truck with those hanging from his hitch and because I instantly hated them, I instantly hated the driver. I was trying to place my anger/annoyance/disapproval for this mobile joke-on-wheels like maybe if I could place WHY I hate them so much, I wouldn't- but I couldn't place it other than my snap judgment: douche.

As I glare at them trying to find a reasonable explanation for my hatred, I find myself getting hypnotized by the swingy back and forth, back and forth motion. So I'm at a crossroads, do I continue to be lulled into submission by this distasteful car accessory or do I take a stand?

I snap out of the hypnosis and pass the guy, annoyed at myself for having temporarily gotten sucked into a testicle induced trance.

I'm still glowering over this extra appendage on the vehicle when my husband calls. I explain, in great detail, my hatred for this novelty item. He, the ever antagonistic, says that they're funny and cool and that once he gets a pickup truck, he wants to get a pair.


It's not like I could tell a grown man who can make his own decision "no."

But that's exactly what I told him.

He just laughs and says "we'll see....."

Lord help him if he does, because it's not going to be pretty around here.


Anonymous said...

If you protest too loudly, he will probably get them. Then, you can have the 'pleasure' of spray painting them different colors from time to time...or clamp a Vise Grip Plier on them...or tie a pink ribbon on them...until your hubby willingly takes them off for fear of what you'll do next. Oh yes, we could have real fun with this one!!!

Your Mother-in-Law ;-)

Kruger Kids said...

I think it IS about time he "get a pair." HAHA!

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