Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is a "Mandy Moment"?

I'm lucky enough to have the same core group of friends that I've had since high school. They are truly the best. They've put up with a LOT of drama and by “drama” I mean full out crazy biatch moments from me.

But part of my "charm" (I'm writing the blog so I can call it whatever I want) is that occasionally, I have these temporary and complete lapses of brain-activity so I tend to say some pretty downright stupid quirky things, which will keep them chuckling at my expense for years.

They have actually assigned a title to what happens during one of these lapses: "a Mandy Moment."

My brain shuts off but my mouth keeps going, spewing out the most ridiculous things. And don't worry, stay tuned to the blog because when I get writers block for an entry, I will occasionally pepper in some real life examples of these Mandy Moments so you can SEE what I'm talking about. But first, here are two confirmations that the Mandy Moment phenomenon exists:

- I used to worked for a small printing company. Three years after I stopped working there, I was at a wedding and my old boss comes up to me and says "Mandy! It's so good to see you! Just last week Linda said I had a Mandy Moment and we thought of you!"


Let me clarify: the fact that my friends coined the term "Mandy Moment" was not a universally known fact. And I was intimidated by my boss so I would've never actually told him about my brain-lapse tendency.

Do you realize what this means?

This means that he not only figured it out on his own, but also {thought he} coined a name for it!

And still uses it THREE years later!

My boss! Using the term "Mandy Moment" to describe a moment where he did something stupid.

Thank you, Mr. Boss Man. Let me go hide in my hole now.

The second proof is a little more understandable since it's from the people I love and trust the most: my friends.

- For my wedding, one of my besties threw me a wonderful bridal shower.

Unbeknownst to me, she asked all in attendance to come up with a list of their FAVORITE Mandy Moments- not just an example- no, there are far too many for just an example- oh no, a LIST of their FAVORITE moments.

See where I'm going here? There are probably like hundreds out there but they had to narrow it down to just their favorites.

And over the past 20 years they've been able to come up with quite a list, which is where my random Mandy Moment entries will come from. Actual stories that my friends decided to put on paper as a wedding present to me saying "see Mandy, even though because you do all these stupid endearing things, we still love you."

Thanks friends.

So here it is, entry #1 for Mandy Moments:
As high schoolers we used to spent countless nights at the local Baker's Square being obnoxious with all of our giggling and blowing the straw wrapper darts as respectable, young girls. I decided to order Apple Pie a la Mode and was super pumped for some delicious apple pie. When the pie comes, I look down and I can still remember the confusion and disappointment and say "I didn't order ice cream on this.

A la mode.

Apparently I hadn't gotten the memo that "a la mode" meant ice cream.

Ta da! Mandy Moment.


Rathlisberger Family said...

Ha! I had a perm-a-grin on my face while reading this post. The whole time I was thinking "I can't wait to comment with one of my all time favorite "Mandy Moments"....Apple Pie A La Mode!"

Do you think we could edit our lists to add more now that it's been more than 5 years?

Anonymous said...

So this is your anonymous fan. Did you read my comments about the brownie post. Are you mad at me still? Or is it safe for me to leave more comments.