Thursday, July 8, 2010

What was I SUPPOSED to do with a bowl full of brownie mix?!?

I'm lucky enough to work in a business where vendors pretty much try to buy us with treats, candy, trinkets, tickets, and frosted brownies. Yep, brownies.

Now these brownies are not like any brownie you've ever tried- these are super brownies. Like the-best-damn-brownies-you'll-ever-eat super brownies.

So recently when I was put in charge of making frosted brownies for my nephew's confirmation I knew I had to try to make these super brownies.

I was shameless enough to email the vendor to ask his wife for the recipe. Luckily she divulged (I'll be forever grateful for her for that) and I was shocked to learn that the super brownies aren't actually all that super at all- it's the frosting that makes it super. Super brownie is actually from a box! A boxed brownie! *

So I go to the store, get all the ingredients for these super brownies, come home and want to quickly make them so my husband and I could enjoy the rest of the evening together.

He was sitting at the table, watching me make these super brownies, waiting for me to be done. Naturally, I'm chatting away while throwing all the ingredients into the bowl.

Add brownie mix

Add eggs

Add oil

Add 1 1/4 cup water

I look at the box.

The box reads add 1/4 cup water.

Clearly, I've misread this because I've just added 1 cup plus 1/4 cup, so read again:
Add 1/4 cup water.


I have a bowl full of brownie mix with a whole cup too much water! I practically burst into tears because I've just ruined super brownies.

Luckily my husband has many amazing qualities, one of them is coming to my rescue when I have "a moment" so he tells me to sit down and get a glass of wine while he goes to the store to get me a new box.

I watch him back down the driveway, I take deep breaths to calm myself as I stand in front of the watery brownie mix. I look down at my fingers and see mix on my hand so I watch him drive away and taste the mix on finger.!

I rushed to get a spoon out to try the batter.

Oh that's good.

I know how embarrassed I should be since I am "dieting" and all, but I only have ten minutes before he gets back with the new mix, so I do what any weak dieter would do:

I rush to get a bigger spoon.

I'm standing in my kitchen, slurping away watery brownie mix as fast as I can knowing that by the time he gets back I need to resume my sad-face since I just ruined a box of brownies but really I'm ecstatic that I literally have an entire BOWL of brownie mix that I can eat all to myself!!!

Within minutes I feel like vomiting because I've eaten 1/2 the bowl of raw brownie mix and yet I start to wonder if I should put the rest of the ruined brownie mix in a tupperware to save it for a snack later??

Don't worry. I didn't because my husband would rip on me for the next 3 years and tell everyone we know that I did it on purpose so I could eat a whole batch of raw brownies, I do have some self control.

And because I know that you're all dying to try these super brownies I, too, will divulge the recipe as long as you promise to keep reading my blog.

.......Do you promise?

Ok, you promised and I pretty much OWN you now that you know I occasionally will add wonderful recipes:

Start with Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate brownie mix, which can be found at Costco

*I could only find the Ghirardelli Double Chocolate brownie mix at the store and it was not the same level of awesome, so find a friend with a Costco membership and buddy up to them

Frosting (will frost a 9x13 pan)

In a large bowl sift together powdered pure cane sugar (approx. 1/3 bag or tad more from 2lb. bag) with approx. 3 to 4 large Tbls. Droste` (dutch) baking chocolate or other high quality chocolate baking powder and very small pinch of salt.

To this, add 1/2 cup melted butter (1 stick) with 2 tsp vanilla extract and approx. 1/4 cup heavy cream.

Stir this all together. If it is too stiff to spread, add a few more drops of cream. If it's too thin, add a little bit more sifted powdered sugar until spreadable thickness.

Then beat it by hand until it has a smooth creamy consistency. It should taste like a piece of fudge but be spreadable.

Now call Mandy and invite her over for some Brownie Quality Control (you didn't know that was my other official job title, did ya?)


Anonymous said...

You are my hero!!!

Mandy said...

Well thanks but I can't help but take that in one of three ways:

1. You're being sarcastic
If this is the case: I hate you.

2. You like my blog
If this is the case: I love you.

3. You're a brownie lover and you're excited to try them.
If this is the case: You're welcome (....and send me some please)

Please clarify so I can appropriately love (or hate) you, my anonymous friend.

Anonymous said...

If I were being sarcastic, how I could possible be honest knowing you would hate me? But I was not being sarcastic so it really does not matter. I do love your blog but even more so I love the fact that you ate the brownie mix and admitted it. I would have eaten too just not sure I would have been brave enough to admit it in a blog. Do you love me?