Oh yeah baby, yo

So the third of FIVE movies was just released and let me tell you: it's awesome!
In the past couple of years I've become an avid reader and when my friend suggested that I read Twilight I really fought it. I mean a vampire book? Not really my thing.
Oh, but shame on me by judging a book on it's cover because it IS my thing! In fact, it's quickly become my obsession but don't worry I still refuse to call myself a "twi-hard" (which is what other twilight freaks are calling themselves).

I don't know what it is about this series but anytime I start talking to someone about it I'm literally stuffing down my excitement because if I could show my true excitement, I'd be an adult that's just piddled on the floor.
It's like a 4 year old being told that she can see Mickey Mouse, eat a whole chocolate cake by herself, get a pony for Christmas AND grow up to be a princess all at once. THAT'S how excited I get, so of course a little piddling would be excusable.
If you haven't read the books, stop fighting it and do it. Just pick up the damn books, put your vampire prejudice away, read them and then you'll thank me in about 3 days which is about how fast you'll read the first book because it's too darn good to put down.
So back to the movie...don't worry there are no spoilers here more like theatrical highlights
1. Edward is amazingly hot. He's actually hotter in this movie than in the other two and I truly wouldn't have thought that possible. Definitely on my Freebie List!
2. This is probably going to be one of my favorite movies of all time- right up there with Pride & Prejudice and I cannot wait for it to come out on DVD!
3. The producers of the movie need to give the makeup and costume artists a raise- they did SUCH a good job. Because my complexion sucks I tend to look for blemishes on movie stars when they have extreme close ups (judge all you want), and either Bella has never had a zit in her life or the makeup crew was amazing.
I guess I don't want to go into too much detail but trust me, it was GREAT. I'm almost ready to say that it's better than the first two COMBINED. Yep, you heard me. I said it.
Oh and if you haven't heard: some of the cast members of Twilight will be HERE in Minnesota Saturday/Sunday dropping into unexpecting movie goers at AMC Southdale, AMC Roseville, and Showplace ICON in St. Louis Park. They didn't release who was coming but they said it's not Edward, Jacob or Bella.
I may be reconsidering my weekend plans so I can go some see someone that's actually been in the same room as my beloved Edward! Yep, I'm a little psycho- at least I can admit it right?! And who wouldn't want to see one of these beautiful people?!?

1 comment:
You may not call yourself one, but you are FOR SURE a "Twi-hard"! In fact, you could probably run for office among the Twi-hards and get elected!
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