Monday, July 19, 2010

Technology has made me impatient

There are some really awesome things about technology and there are some things that I believe are causing the decay of society. The good things FAR out-weigh the bad but they sometimes go hand in hand.

This weekend I spent some quality time shopping online which is one of my favorite things about technology: shopping without leaving my couch.

It was time to replace the ipod I so mercilessly threw off the deck a couple of weeks ago so we headed to our local money suck Target to check them out. Naturally he wants the biggest and the best but yikes the biggest and the best are expensive!

I love my online shopping so I suggest we look online before purchasing it. Since my husband isn't an online shopper he scoffs at the idea but decides to avoid an argument go along with me anyway.

After the start of an ulcer bidding on several different eBay auctions (which by the way is the BEST website out there in my opinion) we win the one he wants. Not only is it the one he wants, it also comes with a screen protector and a case and is still $50 less expensive than a regular store.

SCORE! Mark a win for technology! And one for the thrifty wife but who's counting?....besides me.

Years ago, it would have taken weeks of going from store to store comparing sales but not today my friend. Today is the Information Age. If we want to know something all we need to know is how to type and BAM your answer magically appears in front of you!

As you know, I've been whining wanting a new couch so I turned to the local, less civilized version of eBay's handicapped cousin, craigslist. Not that I have anything against craigslist or I'm dissing it, I've just become accustomed to eBay's setup where you can see the pictures of all the items for sale on one screen verses going into each entry separately.

This is where technology has made me impatient. 10 years ago craigslist would've seemed like a revelation but now it's just frustrating. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm spoiled (I bet you're REALLY shocked to learn that about me right?!?).

I want to redesign the entire craigslist site to be more accommodating...for me.

And I want to do it now.

Faster....... I'm waiting craigslist.....

But I digress onto craigslist's faults because it truly is a pretty awesome concept: I'll sell you my crap from the privacy of each of our couches, you just need to come pick it up.

Screw garage sales. Craigslist is the garage sale of the future.

You can buy/sell anything on there! I hear you can even buy/sell yourself on there (this is where the "decay of society" comes in. Come on peeps you gotta go and corrupt my online garage sale site?!? Shame on you.)

But I clicked on hundred different craigslist entries (err, shake my fist at you craigslist for not posting all pics on one screen like my beloved eBay does) and suddenly I find my couch! Well, not MY couch- not yet anyway, but it's the couch we want! And it's only $275!

Yes please! I want! I want!

So I email the person immediately and it's now been a gut wrenching 2 days. This is where the "impatient" thing comes from.

I want it and I want it now!

What do you mean you don't have your email forwarded to your Blackberry for immediate response?

What do you mean you only check your email once every couple of days?

Even though technology is a wonderful thing, I believe it's also the cause of the fake ulcer that's forming in my belly from all the waiting for eBay auctions to close, waiting for people to return my emails, and don't even get me started on anyone that has dial-up internet- shoot me now before I sit down at your computer because it ain't gonna end pretty.

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