Monday, July 26, 2010

I've Never....

Have you ever played the game "I've Never"? It's a drinking game that you all sit around and say "I've never ____fill in the blank______" and for those of you that HAVE done that, you have to drink.

Here's my own game of I've Never, where I'd have to drink at all of these things.

I've never gained so much belly weight so quickly that I rationalized that I must be pregnant- it's not due to fact that I practically just ate an entire Red Velvet Cake by myself. Nope, I must be pregnant. So yes, I went out and bought a test- simply because I was getting chubby at such an alarming rate. And no, I obviously was not pregnant.

I've never gotten a solo in a middle school choir concert, forgotten the words and swore right into the microphone for all my teachers and proud parents to hear.

I've never scored points in a volleyball game with my face.

I've never accidentally responded to a CLIENT email (thinking I was sending it to someone else) saying "this guy is such a pain in my fat a$$"

I've never had suspicious moles surgically removed and been told by no less than three doctors to stay out of the sun and still go outside without any sunscreen on.

I've never slurped down raw brownie mix as fast as I could because I didn't want my husband to catch me.

I've never called in sick to work because I had a "rash" (aka I'm hungover)

I've never spent the entire day doing nothing other than playing on facebook and Brick Breaker until 10 minutes before my husband is expected to get home and quickly unload the dishwasher and fold the laundry- just so it sounds like my day was at least semi-productive.

I've never read two whole books in one day.

I've never been terrified to start a family simply because I was such a horrible bratty teenager that I'm not sure I want one.

I've never been "that" girl to get way too drunk at the office boat day.

I've never gone totally lock-me-up-and-throw-away-the-key-because-I-wanna-fight-you crazy because someone sarcastically said "nice go-go boots" to me.

I've never intentionally served raw cookie dough balls at a party. Weird how I was the only one eating them.

I've never accidentally washed my husband's cell phone in the washing machine.

I've never been 14 years old with my friends, and a waiter asks us "what grade are you guys in ?" I quickly respond, "17th" because I wanted them to think we were 17 years old.

I've never gone running for the sole purpose of saying "I went running today."

I've never had an intense urge to pop out a baby right at this very second so I can update my facebook picture with a look-how-cute-my-baby-is picture.

I've never played Dizzy Bat and gotten so disoriented that I ran into a lake with all my clothes on.

I've never been 7 years old playing Helicopter Helicopter Over My Head with the neighbor kids and thought that if I swung him hard enough and let him go, he'd really fly. He didn't.

What a fun game! Now you try!


Anonymous said...

I have never been entertaining friends, dropped the fully cooked chicken on the floor as everyone watched, put it back on the serving plate and served it, explaining that it was a good thing that I had just washed the kitchen floor. Me ;-)

Rathlisberger Family said...

Ahhh, this was a great trip down memory lane since I was there for so many of your "I've never" moments!