The other morning I woke up with a new found excitement for the day. My brother-in-law had just told me about Dave Ramsey's approach to finances so I had a bunch of stuff on my mind- mainly how I was going to get my millions and millions of dollars even without the help of the lottery (although that is still plan numero uno).
Of course, I'm my usual 10 minutes behind schedule as I'm getting ready for work.
I had mouthwash in my mouth, applying makeup to my face, and money on the brain.
I send the following signals from my brain to my body:
Brain: crunch budget with new Dave Ramsey principles
Eyes: look in makeup bag for blush.
Hand: grab blush out of makeup bag.
Mouth: spit mouthwash into sink.
And the following signals were received:
Brain: crunch budget with new Dave Ramsey principles. Check. Message received.
Eyes: look in makeup bag for blush. Maintain eye contact with blush. Check. Message received.
Hand: grab into empty sink as the next message is being received:
Mouth: spit mouthwash into makeup bag.....UNCHECK. Message NOT received! Error! Error!
Mouth: after spitting mouthwash into makeup bag, let out string of colorful curse words.
Somehow some messages were lost as they left my brain and were transmitted through the rest of my body.
Not only am I the standard 10 minutes behind schedule, I now have to rinse and dry the mouthwash I just spit on everything in my makeup bag and the makeup bag itself.
Oh but wait, because I'm ME the fun just doesn't stop there.
I send the following signals from my brain to my body:
Brain: crunch budget with new Dave Ramsey principles
Hands: continue drying off now rinsed pressed powder then set down.
Eyes: look for the next thing I need to dry off.
Hands: grab the next thing I need to dry off. Dry, repeat.
And the following signals were received:
Brain: crunch budget with new Dave Ramsey principles. Check. Message received.
Hands: continue drying off now rinsed pressed powder and set down. Check. Message received.
Eyes: look in the mirror because hey, now is as good of time as any to admire myself. Uh, that's deviating from the original message but..... you do look nice today.....
Hands: attempt to grab at the next thing that needs to be dried off while keeping eyes focused on myself. Clumsily paw at favorite eyeshadow until it falls off the counter and shatters on the floor. Error! Message NOT received! System meltdown!
Mouth: resume previous string of profanities with a bit more enthusiasm this time.
So now not only do I need to finish drying off everything I just spit my mouthwash on, I also need to clean the newly shattered, favorite dual color eyeshadow (Bronze Star for those of you that's interested) that's all over my (freshly cleaned mind you) white textured bathroom floor as I crunch my new Dave Ramsey approved budget. AND leave for work in about........16 minutes ago.
In 1992 Ma

Touche Mattel. Touche.
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